Calendar of Events - Society of Flight Test Engineers
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Every 2nd Thursday of the month!

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2/13/20255:00pm to 7:00pm

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

For dial in details please contact

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2/14/20259:00am to 10:00amBen Povall

Monthly meeting of Tech Council. Contact to be added.

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2/21/20257:00am to 8:00am

Come join the Wichita chapter to attend a presentation by Greg Davis (M) on how to plan to get the best flight test imagery. 

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2/27/20255:00pm to 7:00pmBenjamin Hirsh

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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3/4/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Alternating months, odd months at Bravery, even moths at Local Craft Beer (LCB)

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3/6/20256:00pm to 8:00pm

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3/6/20256:00pm to 7:00pmArizona Chapter

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3/7/20256:00pm to 8:00pm

Every 2nd Thursday of the month!

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3/13/20255:00pm to 7:00pm

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

For dial in details please contact

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3/14/20259:00am to 10:00amBen Povall

Monthly meeting of Tech Council. Contact to be added.

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3/21/20257:00am to 8:00am

This will be a combined SETP/AIAA/SFTE Flight Test Social on the Georgia Tech campus, co-hosted by:
·         Georgia Tech Student AIAA Chapter
·         Georgia Tech Design-Build-Fly Club
·         Yellow Jacket Flying Club

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3/28/20253:00pm to 6:00pmDavid Kern

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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4/1/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Alternating months, odd months at Bravery, even moths at Local Craft Beer (LCB)

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4/3/20256:00pm to 8:00pm

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4/3/20256:00pm to 7:00pmArizona Chapter

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4/4/20256:00pm to 8:00pm

Every 2nd Thursday of the month!

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4/10/20255:00pm to 7:00pm

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

For dial in details please contact

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4/11/20259:00am to 10:00amBen Povall

The Flight Test Safety Committee, a joint committee of SFTE, AIAA, and SETP, is pleased to announce that the North American Flight Test Safety Workshop will be held 6 & 7 May 2025 in Greensboro, NC.

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8:00am to 5:00pmStuart Rogerson

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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6/3/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

European Chapter's Annual Symposium

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All dayRaluca Karassi

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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7/1/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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8/5/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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9/2/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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10/7/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

European Flight Test Safety Workshop, to be held in Trieste, Italy on November 4-5 2025. The event is hosted by Pipistrel.

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 Marco Rizzato

The Flight Test Safety Committee, a joint committee of SFTE, AIAA, and SETP, is pleased to announce that the European Flight Test Safety Workshop will be held 4 and 5 Nov 2025 in Trieste, Italy

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8:00am to 5:00pmStuart Rogerson

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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11/4/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

Join E-VTOL FT Council meetings on each month's first Tuesday at 11-noon Eastern time. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 3932 7683, Passcode: 829514,  or

The council covers all matters relevant to flight testing Electric aircraft and VTOL aircraft (verticraft).
To get on the email list for meeting reminders and reports, contact Chair Al Lawless <> or text 336-422-1093

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12/2/202511:00am to 12:00pmAl Lawless

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