European Flight Test Safety Workshop
11/4/2025 - 11/5/2025
0:00:00 - 0:00:00 Pacific
Event Description
European Flight Test Safety Workshop, to be held in Trieste, Italy on November 4-5 2025. The event is hosted by Pipistrel.
Trieste, Italy
Riva del Mandracchio, 4
Trieste, It 34124

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Marco Rizzato
(phone: +38640634408)
November 4: technical presentations.
November 5: technical workshop and technical tour of the Pipistrel's production and flight test facility in Gorizia.
Click on the icon next to the date(s) to add to your calendar:
11/4/2025 - 11/5/2025   Outlook Calendar Apple Calendar Google Calendar
Event Documents/Images


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