Wichita Chapter - STEM Event at SWE Expo
8:00:00 - 13:00:00 Central
Event Type(s)
STEM Outreach
Event Description
SFTE Wichita Chapter will be hosting a table at the SWE Engineering Expo at the Century II Expo Hall on Saturday, April 5 from 9am-3pm. It is a free come-and-go event with hands-on STEM related activities for kids grades K-8.  There are usually about 2000 kids that attend this event. Organizations host tables that kids visit to learn something about STEM. The kids will spend just a few minutes at each table and choose which tables they visit.
We will be helping kids make straw rockets at our table. This video shows an example: https://youtu.be/aTd2f59TSVo . SFTE will supply all materials, templates, and instructions. The kids will build their own rocket and practice launching it (with straws). They can then tweak their design and try it again, just like in Flight Test!
We are looking for 3 volunteers to work each shift during this event (more than 1 shift is ok too!): Shift 1 is 8-11am and includes set up; Shift 2 is 11am-1pm; Shift 3 is 1-3:30pm. Volunteers will help the kids make and launch their rockets. Please sign up using the link below by March 21. Volunteers will receive more detailed information about a week before the event.


Event Website: SWE Engineering Expo
Setting: In-Person
Century II Event Center
Wichita, KS

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